The research team is made up of leading researchers in the areas of Health Sciences and Social Sciences, combining various medical and communication specialties. It also combines researchers at different stages of their careers, in order to allow an optimal dynamic between experience and novelty. This multifaceted approach has deepened the object of study thanks to the knowledge, skills and aptitudes contributed by each member of the team.



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Dr. Ángeles Moreno Fernández holds a PhD with extraordinary award from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and is a Professor in the Faculty of Communication at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), where she has directed several postgraduate programmes in Strategic Communication. She has taught and given courses at institutions such as Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Málaga, Universidad San Jorge, Universitá di Firenze (IT), Instituto Politécnico de Guarda (PT), Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (CO), Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (CR), Syracuse University, University of Florida (US), University of Roskilde (DN), University of Jyväskylä (FI) or Ramón Llul University.

Dr. Moreno is the distinguished president of the European Association for Public Relations Research and Education, and has previously held the position of president-elect and executive director for two terms. She was the first researcher from Spain to hold these positions.

In her teaching activity, Dr. Moreno is a full professor in the speciality of Strategic Communication and Public Relations. She teaches three undergraduate subjects and two postgraduate subjects in this speciality at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and also participates in a Master’s degree at the Universidad de Málaga, reaching an estimated total of five hundred students per year in regular teaching. In his 29-year teaching career, he has taught more than 3,400 hours of undergraduate courses, 1,020 postgraduate courses and 285 of his own degrees. He has three recognised five-year periods and has obtained two favourable evaluations from the DOCENTIA programme (2016 and 2019). He has also lectured on several continents and has participated in university management in various positions and committees.

She is an active member of the Group for Advanced Studies in Communication (GEAC) and has participated in and led research projects for the European Union, the European Public Relations Research and Education Association (EUPRERA), the Plank Center for Leadership at the University of Alabama, the University of Florida, the MICINN and the Association of Communication Managers. Ángeles Moreno has been a member for sixteen years of the research team of the largest study on Strategic Communication and Public Relations in the world, the European Communication Monitor, and has been director until 2019 of the Latin American Communication Monitor project, with a global reach of more than 100 countries. of 100 countries. of 100 countries. of 100 countries. of 20,000 professional communicators and the management of a team of researchers from eighteen universities and a knowledge transfer network of thirty-five professional associations and forums. He has also led the international ComCovid project with 30 researchers in 18 countries and currently leads the international Strategic Health Communication Network with 31 members from 18 countries.

Her work has received international awards from the International Communication Association, the Public Relations Society of America and the European Public Relations Education and Research Association.

Dr. Moreno has published a total of 268 works including 2 books alone and 25 with co-authors, 21 chapters and contributions to books and 64 articles in indexed international academic journals, among the most prestigious in her field indexed in Journal Citation Reports and SCImago Journal Rank, as well as 31 reports, 31 dissemination publications, 87 communications and papers at conferences and 7 intellectual property registrations. He is also a reviewer for various scientific committees for public institutions and associations and national and international journals. He participates as an expert in international research for other universities and professional bodies.

She has participated in university management at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and is also involved in the management of associations and institutions specialised in Public Relations and strategic communication. She is currently (Outgoing) President of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association based in Brussels, and is a member of the Commission for Education of Public Relations in the United States, promoted by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), with the participation of 18 international organisations such as the Institute for Public Relations (IPR), the Integrated Business Communications Alliance (IBCA) and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

He is an active member and has previously participated in the direction of the Association of Public Relations Researchers (AIRP), an international association constituted in Spain, as well as in the Scientific Commission of the Andalusian Institute for Research in Communication and Culture, INACOM.

Summary of scientific production indicators:

Sexenios: 3 (17/7/2020) / Direction of doctoral theses: 2 (+4) / High productivity in relation to the average of full professors 14.33 (Feeley, LaVail, & Barnett, 2011, Scientometrics), which exceeds with 268 total publications. Web of Science 39 registered publications with a total of 690 citations, an H-index=13, an average number of citations of 21.9 and an average number of citations per year of 34.8 %. Also in Scopus the author profile shows 37 publications with an H-index=16 and 920 citations. In Google Scholar the H-index=35 and Hi10-index= 70 with 4894 citations. Position 1687 of the CSIC ranking of the most influential Spanish women researchers / Editorial committees and evaluator in journals (Thomson Reuters Social Sciences indexing SSCI, SCI, ISI and Scopus 1st and 2nd quartile): Public Relations Review, Corporate Communication, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Information Management, PR Journal / Annual average of articles published in scientific journals indexed Web of Science is 3’6 papers in the last five years / Annual average of books in the last 5 years 3.8 / Annual average of contributions to international conferences is 7 in the last 5 years / President Euprera Association of Public Relations, Education and Research / Extraordinary Doctorate Award; Research awarded ICA, EUPRERA, PRSA, AIRP.



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Dr. Enric Saperas Lapiedra, Professor of the Department of Communication and Sociology of the URJC, will provide support with the Group for Advanced Studies in Communication, a group of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, evaluator as a high performance research group, together with its LIITE Laboratory in this project.

Dr. Enric Saperas contributes to the project with his extensive experience in research and project management in the field of communication [Research projects in competitive calls (IP) (6); research projects in competitive calls linked to the creation of scientific and technological infrastructures and equipment (IP) (2); research projects in competitive calls (8); research contracts (IP) (6); research contracts (7)]. His essential participation will be for the competitive design of the project and its results and deliverables, as well as for its theoretical basis and the development of the various bibliographic and media analyses, given his experience in the methodologies in use, widely proven in his projects. Dr. Saperas brings an interdisciplinary vision of the disciplines in communication, backed by his participation in various national and international evaluation bodies and in first quartile journals of Thomson Reuters Social Sciences indexing. The wide dissemination of his work (translated into 4 languages) and his publications ranking, i10 Index: 13 and H Index: 10 / H Index Web of Science: 4 Publons – Research Gate Index: 13, would also make his contribution to the dissemination of the project’s results very valuable.



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Dr. in Information Sciences from the Complutense University (1997), she has carried out teaching and research tasks at the Complutense University (1996-97), at the University of Salamanca as assistant lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Communication from 1997 until she obtained a position as Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca in 2002. In the academic year 2002-2003, the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos requested her incorporation as a Professor on secondment. In 2005 she took up her position as Associate Professor at this centre. She has been awarded three six-year CNEAI research periods and three positive evaluations in the Docentia programme. She has obtained the accreditation of University Professor.

Her lines of research include:

Theories and methods of research applied to communication.
Professionalisation and professional cultures in journalism.
Content analysis applied to journalistic discourse.

I have had the opportunity to direct three research projects as PI. She has helped as a researcher in four research projects funded in the last 10 years. She is currently leading the Spanish team in the journalistic role performance project and the ANID-COVID project “Analysis and automatic monitoring of the role of journalism and the media in their different platforms during the phases of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in nine countries in America, Europe and Asia”, funded by the National Agency for Research and Development of Chile.

In these projects, we should highlight the application of two main research techniques: survey (4 publications and 6) and content analysis (publications 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14).

He belongs to the research group GEAC (URJC, and is a member of the scientific associations: International Communication Association (ICA), International Association for Mass Communication Research (IAMCR) and Asociación Española de Investigadores de la Comunicación (AEIC).

Among his management merits, he holds the position of Academic Secretary of the Department of Sociology and Communication at the University of Salamanca. In 2006 as first acting, and subsequently by election, the position of Director of the Department of Communication Sciences 2 of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She has been coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Social and Legal Sciences at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2019-2021) and is currently Vice-Rector for International Relations.



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Dr. Fuentes Lara holds a degree in Political Science and Administration and a degree in Sociology. She holds an official Master’s degree in Applied Communication Research from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Official Master’s Degree in Social Problems and PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Granada. She is an assistant lecturer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She works mainly in the research lines of gender, communication and migrations and is an expert in research methods in Social Sciences. Her multidisciplinary background and the triangulation of her areas of specialisation has led her to be Principal Investigator (PI) of several projects.

Principal Investigator (PI) of the project “Construyendo una nueva narrativa migrante a golpe de tuit” funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in the 2019 Call. She is also PI of the project “Comparison of successful projects of sustainable agriculture with the intervention of migrant population in Mexico and Spain” funded by the Francisco de Vitoria University in the 2019 Internal Call for Proposals.

In 2018, thanks to her publications, she was recognised with the Award for the Fight against Gender Violence in Spain by the Ministry of the Presidency.

One of Dr. Fuentes Lara’s main strengths is the gender approach in strategic communication.



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PhD in Information Sciences (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM), and Degree in Information Sciences (UCM). National End of Degree Award in University Education (Ministry of Education and Culture) and Extraordinary Degree Award (UCM). Innovative Teachers Award 2016 (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, URJC). Lecturer in the Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Professor of the Master’s Degree in Digital Journalism and new professional profiles (URJC). Researcher of the R+D+i projects: Models of journalism in the multiplatform context. Study of the materialisation of journalistic roles in news content in Spain (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, 2018-2020) and Audiovisual culture and gender representations in Spain: messages, consumption and youth appropriation of television fiction and video games (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, 2011-2015). Researcher in projects on Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality (CES Felipe II, UCM). Member of the research group on Structure, History and Contents of Communication (GREHCCO) at the University of and co-author of books and research articles in the areas of Information Enterprise and Information Structure, where she is a specialist, Teaching Innovation and Gender Studies, also linked to her career.member of the Advisory Board of Ámbitos.International Journal of Communication.member of the Spanish Association for Communication Research (Communication Structure and Policies section).



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Professor with a pre-doctoral contract at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. She teaches at the same University in the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Member of the Comunicancer Research Group.

Graduated in Early Childhood Teaching at the Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio ESCUNI in 2012, graduated in Marketing at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in 2021 and Master in Applied Communication Research at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in 2022.

Her current lines of research focus on Strategic Health Communication and Strategic Communication in Social Media.



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Dr. Zurro holds a degree in Journalism (University of Valladolid, 2018). Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Research (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2019).

She was awarded a University Excellence Award for her Master’s Thesis by the Association of Public Relations Researchers.

She currently teaches Advertising and Public Relations and Journalism degrees at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.


Crisis communication
Strategic Communication and Public Relations



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Santana Lois Poch Butler holds a BA in English Language and Literature from The Open University (UK) and a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Research from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which awarded her the distinction of Excellent Student for the 2021-22 academic year. She is currently a PhD student on the Doctoral Programme in Social and Legal Sciences and an associate lecturer in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the same university, where she teaches in both Spanish and English. She is also a member of the Comunicancer research group. She has published articles in journals such as the Fonseca Journal of Communication and the International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix (IROCAMM), as well as book chapters in publishers included in the SPI index such as Dykinson and Sinderesis.



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Dr. Ainara Soria Rivas is the medical oncology specialist at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital (FIBioHRC Foundation). She brings her research and clinical experience in melanoma patients to the project. Dr. Soria is committed to melanoma and skin cancer education, as director and postgraduate lecturer (Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria). She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Melanoma Group (GEM) and is a tutor of the Spanish Multidisciplinary Melanoma Group Symposium. She is PI in Spain of the EUMelaReg Project: European registry of stage II-III melanoma. She actively collaborates with the cooperative groups, including the TTCC, and has extensive experience in clinical trials, being responsible for all clinical studies from phase 1 to phase 3-4 of her pathologies at the HRC. His research experience will be decisive for the design of methodological tools for the project. His development of a large number of publications in prestigious international journals in oncology specialties and his active participation in GEM and other groups will also be fundamental for the academic dissemination and social transfer of the results of this project.



Dr. Magdalena de Troya Martín is Head of the Dermatology Department at the Hospital Costa del Sol (FIMABIS Foundation). She is responsible for its development, leading it to obtain, among others, the Advanced Quality Certification from the Andalusian Health Quality Agency and the Finalist Certificate in the Best in Class Awards in 2018. In its service portfolio, it has incorporated innovative technologies and has actively promoted collaborative and competitive research, with more than a hundred scientific publications in national and international impact journals, and dozens of research awards. In 2009, in coordination with the Costa del Sol Health District, a pioneering health promotion project was undertaken in Spain: the Photoprotection and Skin Cancer Prevention Campaign. This project has given rise to a large number of research projects and innovations in the field of skin cancer prevention, including the creation of the health brand “Distintivo Soluble”, a multidisciplinary cancer prevention programme, which aims to compete with other internationally successful references such as SunSmart Australia.



Dr. Nuria Blázquez Sánchez also has extensive experience in research on surgical aspects, treatments, measurement and prevention of different skin cancers. Dr. Blázquez is a fundamental pillar in the research developed by the Hospital Costa del Sol and shares the patent U201900596 of the University of Cadiz for the measurement of temperature, sweating and ultraviolet radiation. She is one of the main Spanish authors on photography-prevention of skin cancer in national and international journals with works on specific populations such as athletes, tourism staff, adolescents and pre-school and primary school students. Her experience in skin cancer research and treatment, and specifically in prevention in specific population sectors, will be an important support for the implementation and dissemination of the project.


Project PID2020-116487RB-100 financed by: